Need Assistance?
At this present time, we have put a hold on accepting applications due to lack of funding availability. Please check our resources page for additional support.
Have you been impacted by job loss? Temporary hardship? Personal loss or medical emergency? Experiencing homelessness and struggling to provide food and necessities for your animal?
Life happens, often when we're not prepared and least expect it.
Tail To Paw understands this, and we're here to provide temporary assistance to ease your struggle and help you avoid having to relinquish your pet to a shelter.
Not only can we assist with food, general supplies, vaccinations and basic medical exams, but we will provide outreach engagement involving basic case management and referral services.
Please read the above Case Management Services and Medical Assistance Policy prior to requesting assistance. Assistance is time limited and requires case management.
Thank you.
Request for food can include bags of dry food, cans of wet food and treats. Prescription food required for special diets can be accommodated on a case by case basis and require a current/valid RX from a veterinarian.

General Supplies
This includes leashes, bowls, toys, flea/tick treatment, as well as beds and crates/carriers. Requests can be accommodated on a case by case basis and are based on donations which Tail To Paw currently has in possession.
Basic Medical Care / Vaccinations
General office visits would include basic exams for wellness checks and initial sick visits. Vaccinations would include a required rabies shot for all animals, as well as required vaccinations as determined by an animal's particular location and situation. WE ARE UNABLE TO PROVIDE MORE THAN $300 per HOUSEHOLD ASSISTANCE per YEAR

Comprehensive Case Management
Outreach to everyone who requests assistance does not stop with the provision of supplies or vaccinations and care to the pet. Tail To Paw will assess the household to determine if there are any unmet vocational, housing, medical, or other needs.
We will work with the household to make referrals, provide resources and ensure that there are connections and services that will assist in providing long-term well-being.